
Monday, February 26, 2018

Life Lately

Hey guys! In a few days we are gonna be in our 3rd month for 2018, and well what do you know? I’m still at my second post! :( I guess it’s time to admit that I will never be able cope up with writing same as how I was before. But anyway, I’d still make sure to update my blog from time to time.
It’s five in the morning now and I am not sleepy. This week started off hard.
A colleague died, a friend is pain and a friend’s parent is hurting. All of those, shoved to my face to start my week. For a lack of better word, I feel sad.
If you’d come to think of it, I am not directly affected at all. But I feel blank. And so, in moments like these, I’d vent it out through writing or else I’d probably be sulking somewhere.

When I was told that a colleague of mine passed on, I couldn’t help but think of the kids she left behind. For sure she did not want to leave that way, for sure she would have wanted to prepare. But in reality, we really don’t get a say. God has His own plan for each and every one of us. And if it’s your time, it’s really your time.

So yes, as cliche as it is, live life to the fullest.
Love hard.
Laugh often.
Travel as much as you can.
Don’t do overtime.
Eat healthy.
Take care of yourself.
Learn to appreciate.
Thank HIM everyday.

Always know that you are lucky and blessed to be breathing today. You may have problems, but hey, we all have them!
Now let’s do this exercise, list down all your blessings and feel them, thank them, thank God for them.

For me, I’ll name a few:
- For my life
- For my Mama and Papa
- For my Paul
- For my Liza, Jude and Neue
- For my Coco, Hunter, Gene and Koby
- For my friends
- For my officemates
- For our staff
- For the people making my life easier everyday
- For my readers


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